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O-Dark-Hundred Page 18

“I know,” he replied. “Suit up.”

  She eyed the zip line harness and groaned. “No, I’d rather not.”

  “Why are you such a big baby about jumping from heights?” he demanded. “Damn it, suit up.”

  Jackie secured her tactical batons to her waist holster. She reluctantly grabbed a harness and slipped into it while Zack fired randomly into the woods out the back. Jackie secured the harness, slung her rifle over her shoulder, and then apprehensively stepped onto the first platform. As she looked down the steep drop, she felt a dull pang in her stomach. Taking on the armed men seemed the lesser of two evils. She attached the line to her harness and looked back at Zack.

  “Are you coming?”

  “Go,” he announced. “I’m right behind you.”

  Jackie stood on the edge of the platform and again looked down. She shut her eyes while working up the courage to take that first step.

  Zack eyed her and groaned. “This is like that summer at Fort Brag all over again.”

  She glared back at him. Before Jackie could make a snide comment, Zack fired several shots out the door while running across the shed for her. She shut her eyes and found herself reliving every jump from a plane the guys had forced her to do all for their adrenaline rush. Zack slung the rifle over his shoulder mid-stride, grabbed the bars above her head, and propelled them from the platform. Jackie screamed the moment her feet left the platform. The line bounced more than she’d remembered from any of the other times she’d been forced to slide down the rope of death. Jackie clung to her harness cables and screamed while watching the countryside whiz by as Zack dangled behind her, hooting and hollering with enthusiasm. They continued to bounce wildly on the cable, increasing Jackie’s heart rate and level of nausea. She was convinced she’d throw up once they reached the bottom but feared it’d come sooner.

  “Can this thing hold two people?” she screamed while panic filled her body.

  “Do you really want me to answer that?” Zack replied close to her ear.

  She again screamed and clung to her harness cable. As they zipped high above the trees on their rapid descent, they could see the guys on assorted paths beneath them, looking up and watching them pass overhead.

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Jackie and Zack reached the end of the course at the bottom of the hill. A slight upward incline allowed for a gentle, gradual stop, but that didn’t fit into Zack’s plans. Once they slowed, he removed one hand from the grip above Jackie and skillfully released her harness from the line. She plummeted three feet to the ground, partially landing on her feet then falling to her buttocks. Zack landed gracefully on his feet like a pouncing cat, grinned boyishly, and extended his hand to her. She glared at him where she sat on the ground, her buttocks throbbing from the harsh landing. She slapped her hand hard into his, showing her disapproval, and allowed him to help her to her feet.

  Despite anticipating Zack’s enthusiastic reaction to plummeting toward near death, Jackie was still unable to prevent him from pulling her against him and kissing her quickly on the lips. She cursed at him while pushing him away, but he’d already gotten his celebratory kiss. Adrenaline rushes, near death experiences, and mortal combat seemed to turn on Zack. For some reason, Jackie was always in his line of fire at those moments. She knew it was coming, but she could never manage to prevent it. They heard movement coming from the woods. Both pulled their rifles they had slung over their shoulders on their wild ride and aimed them at the sound. Darth appeared from the woods, barked excitedly, and greeted them. Beck and Monroe were only a moment behind. The sound of hoof beats alerted them toward one of the trails. Bogart rode his horse at a gallop toward them then came to a sliding stop.

  “I’m glad I ran into you guys,” he announced. “You won’t believe what happened.”

  “Try us,” Jackie muttered while brushing dirt from her backside.

  Kirk approached on his four-wheeler with his prisoner securely strapped across the back of the vehicle. The man in camouflage looked like a prized hunting trophy Kirk had shot on safari. He received several looks.

  “Is he alive?” Jackie asked.

  Kirk shrugged with little care and walked past them. “Alive enough.”

  Beck was the last to arrive with his barefoot prisoner and glanced at his team. He didn’t seem surprised they’d all survived. “Now that we’ve assembled, we should move someplace safe,” he announced. “Half the woods either heard or saw the two of you. They’ll be coming this way.”

  “I’ve got prisoner detail,” Zack announced and cut the man free from Kirk’s ATV, allowing him to fall to the ground with a thud.

  Beck pointed a warning finger at him. “Play nice,” he snarled.

  Zack flipped his Bowie knife in his hand and grinned. “I always do.”

  There was a round of groans. Leaving Zack in charge of prisoners was almost as bad as leaving a cat alone with mice. Despite their reservations, the rest of the team left without further comment. Jackie eyed Zack’s moderately evil grin as he collected the two prisoners then shook her head and hurried after Beck. The prisoners caught her disapproving look then eyed Zack and showed concern for the first time.


  The black horse was tied to the four-wheeler just within the woods, keeping both out of sight. An old ship, its rotting remains partially buried in the sand, had run aground decades ago on the remote beach far from the resort. Within the ship’s decayed skeleton, the team minus Zack had regrouped and made themselves comfortable while remaining out of sight.

  “Until we have proof either way,” Beck announced while sitting on the rotted, wooden floor, “Corbin is on our short list of suspects. Just because we trusted him when we served together, that doesn’t mean he hasn’t sold us out.”

  “We have to consider this has nothing to do with us personally,” Monroe informed them while looking at the others. “Two of Giovanni’s guards are either dead or missing. Maybe more that we don’t even know about. It’s possible we were just on the same list as the other guards.”

  “I disagree,” Jackie announced surprising them. All eyes were suddenly on her. “The guys after each of you tried to kill you. The ones I encountered said they were to take me alive. They sent four men after me, yet only one after each of you.”

  “Those bastards,” Bogart scoffed with anger. “They thought they could take you as a sex slave? I’ll kill them.”

  All eyes were suddenly on Bogart with looks of shared confusion.

  “Curb your imagination, Bogart,” Beck snarled.

  “Not exactly where I was going with that,” she remarked while staring at Bogart. “If they were randomly attacking guards, why send four after the only woman? They knew something about me.”

  “And we’re back to Corbin,” Kirk remarked as he leaned against the rotted wall of the old ship. “He may never have met you, but he’s certainly heard of you. That would also explain why Zack was taken out first on the ship.”

  “Look,” Beck announced. “This was set up long before we arrived on the scene. No one even knew we were going to be on that ship. Hell, even we didn’t know that until the day before. It can’t be about us.”

  “The only way it’s about us is if someone assumed we’d show up,” Gil remarked and received several looks from the rest of the team.

  “Impossible,” Beck retorted.

  “I’m just going to state the obvious,” Gil announced while looking at the others. “There are two people on this island who’d have reasonable suspicions that we might show up.”

  There was an odd silence as they exchanged concerned looks while considering the comment.

  Beck’s mouth fell open as he stared at his friend. It was hard to tell if he was surprised or enraged. “What?” he suddenly gasped then turned almost hostile. “Are you suggesting Sal or even Pinto set us up?”

  “All it requires is a beautiful woman and a jealous man,” Gil replied then held his hands up in the air defensively. “I’m just pointing out anoth
er possibility.”

  “That’s the stupidest thing to ever come from your mouth,” Beck launched.

  There was an odd silence from the others, causing Beck to look around at the team.

  “Let’s just save that debate for another day,” Monroe remarked, attempting to end the feud before it launched into something worse.

  “We should discuss it now,” Gil remarked not giving up on his theory.

  “It’s more important that we know where Zack will stow the rifles,” Kirk informed them. “I’m not going back out there without equal firepower.”

  “Zack’s going to stow the rifles in the generator building,” Beck informed Kirk. “There’s a small ledge beneath the bench just inside the door. They’ll be inside a duffle bag along with extra magazines. In the meantime, we have enough handguns that we can each have one on us at all times. Emergency use only. We need to stay below radar on this, especially if Corbin and any other guards are involved.” Beck’s stolen hand radio crackled twice, alerting the group. “That’s Zack’s signal.”

  Beck changed the radio to a different channel, allowing them to hear clear voices over the stolen handheld radio.


  The two prisoners hung by their ankles from the zip line while attempting to scream through the gags in their mouths. Six men with rifles approached the clearing and searched the area. Two more men cut them down.

  “Where the hell are they?” the one man demanded while looking around.

  “Several men aren’t responding,” another man replied. “They must have gotten the slip on them. No one’s reporting any kills or captures.”

  “Damn it,” the first man cursed and eyed his team. “So they all got away?”

  “Seems that way.”

  Not far from the zip line, the handheld radio hung from one of the trees with the talk button taped to the on position, capturing their entire conversation for the hidden team. A little farther away, Zack relaxed comfortably reclined in a tree and watched the entire scene as it unfolded. He looked through the scope of the rifle at each man and frowned each time he knew he shouldn’t pull the trigger. He lowered the rifle with disgust then leaned his head back against the tree within his perch.

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Corbin walked the grassy area near the beach where the caterers were setting up chairs for the wedding, which would take place tomorrow morning. He ordered his men to check certain areas in preparation for the wedding and its high-profile guests. Beck and Kirk approached Corbin, although Kirk lagged behind by several feet as if keeping guard. Corbin saw the men approaching and hurried toward them looking relieved.

  “Beck,” he gasped and extended his hand.

  Beck hesitantly accepted his hand and gave the informal handshake chest bump.

  “I’m so glad to see you,” Corbin announced. “Four of my men never reported in after their sweep. We couldn’t contact you or your team. I was worried something had happened to you as well.”

  “Oh, something happened,” Beck informed him. “We were ambushed by a bunch of Boy Scouts.”

  “Is everyone okay?”

  “Yeah, we’re all fine,” he replied. “I can’t say the same for our attackers. You’re going to need a few body bags.”

  “Who were they?”

  “Hard to say,” Beck remarked. “I just hope you don’t know either. I wouldn’t want us to have a problem.”

  “What?” he gasped. “How long have we known each other? I’d need to send a militia after you and your men. Let’s be honest. If I had wanted to kill you and failed, do you really think I’d still be here?”

  “Not if you were smart,” he announced with little emotion. “I’m just trying to figure out how smart you are, Corbin.”

  “I’m here to protect Giovanni and his guests,” Corbin insisted, taking offense to the line of questioning. “I have no reason to kill my old comrades. Trust me, Beck. Whoever attacked you in the woods had no idea who they were dealing with. It wasn’t personal against you or your team. It had to do with our high profile guests.”

  “If you still want our help, we’ll do our own security sweeps in teams and on our terms,” Beck informed him. “We work outside your authority.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good--”

  “Then we’re out of here,” Beck informed him. “We have our own ride, and there’s nothing keeping us here.”

  “What about your girlfriend and her father?”

  “They’re going with us,” Beck insisted. “It won’t be pretty, but that’s how it’s going down.”

  “No, we need you now more than ever,” Corbin insisted. “I’ve lost too many men already. Whatever you need, you’ve got it. If you insist on being stubborn, you can spend the rest of the day figuring out what happened to my men and who’s behind it.”

  “Already on it, Corbin,” Beck casually remarked without taking his eyes off the intimidating man.


  The garden was in full bloom with tropical flowers and plants taking up every inch of the area. Decorative paths led through the garden filled with many gazebos for the guests to have private, romantic moments. Sal stormed along the path with a scowl on his moderately reddened face. He was obviously fuming over something. Valerie followed him, attempting to keep up.

  “I just want to talk,” Valerie announced. “Why won’t you just talk to me?”

  He waved her off without bothering to look back. “I’m not interested in anything you have to say,” he snapped hotly. “I don’t care if you intended to get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness, I still don’t want to talk to you.”

  “I’m trying to make amends here, Sal,” she informed him. “I’m not trying to trick you into taking me back. I have someone, remember?”

  He cast a glance back at her, refusing to make eye contact, and almost laughed. He didn’t stop or even slow his pace. “Yes, that was very convenient, you finding a date at the last minute for a wedding you had no intention of attending.”

  “Wade and I have been dating a few months,” she insisted. “There’s nothing convenient about it. He asked me out. Just ask him if you don’t believe me.”

  “I don’t really care,” Sal informed her. “I may be stuck on this island with you, but that doesn’t mean I have to talk to you. Go away!”

  As he stormed off with Valerie in hot pursuit, Mac stepped around a nearby gazebo and watched them pass. She appeared lost in her own thoughts.

  “Stalking your former boss?” Zack asked, startling her.

  Mac quickly turned to see Zack standing behind her just far enough away that she couldn’t strike him without proper warning. “I just happened to be working out here. I am the gardener,” she remarked while glaring at him. “You seem to be the one doing the stalking. If you’re looking for a repeat of our last encounter, I’m not interested.” She subconsciously pulled her shirtsleeve down to cover the ruby and diamond tennis bracelet she wore. Although her intention was to hide it, she actually drew his attention to it.

  “Which encounter?” he questioned while raising a suggestive brow. “The one where you had your way with me? Or the one where you tried to kill me?”

  “Either or both,” she scoffed. “I’m trying to get on with my life, and I don’t need you or Sal complicating things for me. I have a good thing going here.”

  Zack nodded then smirked. “I see,” he announced. “You’re regretting your less than noble double-cross and wishing you had a second chance to make things right.”

  “What does it matter?” Mac demanded while folding her arms across her chest. “Sal’s never going to forgive me.”

  “I don’t see why not,” Zack replied. “I never told him what happened after you ravished me.”

  She stared at him with some surprise, allowing her arms to fall to her sides. “You didn’t?” she practically gasped then resumed her moderately serious tone. “Why not?”

  He shrugged without care. “It would’ve served no purpose,” Zack re
plied. “We all do stupid things. No point having him gunning to kill you over yours.”

  Mac continued to stare at him. “I can’t believe you did that,” she remarked in a softer voice. “You went out of your way to protect me after what I did to you?”

  “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve encountered your kind,” he remarked and leaned against the gazebo.

  “My kind?” she demanded defensively.

  “Yeah, the black widow type,” he replied. “Mate and then devour your partner.”

  “Are you hunting for an apology?”

  “Nope,” he replied without care. “I don’t hold grudges. I either kill you or I don’t.” Zack eyed her suspiciously then straightened. “Besides, if it turns out you’re just another hallucination, what good would an apology do?”

  She groaned softly and shook her head. “What did they do? Scramble your brains?” Mac demanded and turned defensive. “Of course I’m real.”

  “Well, real or not, I could use your special talent,” he informed her.

  She suddenly raised her brow and eyed him suspiciously. “Which special talent? I already told you I’m not interested--”

  He groaned with annoyance and ran his fingers through his short hair. “Not sex,” Zack scoffed, becoming impatient. “What is it with you imaginary women? You’re all horny as hell.” He collected himself and straightened proudly. “I’m talking about a little recon here.”

  She suddenly became interested. It would seem old habits were hard to break. “Who’s under surveillance?”

  “That’s the question,” Zack replied. “Something is going down either at the wedding or the reception, but it’s unclear who’s the target or the perp.”

  “This place has been a little strange lately,” she informed him. “A lot of security, yet it doesn’t feel safe. I feel like I’m being watched and not in a good way.”

  “That may have something to do with your night hobby,” he remarked while glancing at the barely visible bracelet.

  Mac frowned and vigorously pulled her sleeve over the remainder of the bracelet.