O-Dark-Hundred Read online

Page 19

  “Have you heard anything suspicious?” he asked.

  “No,” she replied. “I’m a glorified gardener. I don’t socialize with the guests or security. I mostly work alone. The way I like it.”

  “Corbin may be behind what’s going on or his men are plotting a mutiny,” Zack informed her.

  “I see security hanging out in the pool house a lot,” she informed him. “I just assumed they were sneaking off for a cigarette break.”

  “Have they seen you?”

  “No, I don’t think so,” she replied. “Do you think there’s something going on in that pool house?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m going to check it out,” he informed her.

  “I’m coming with you.”

  He shrugged. “Suit yourself.”


  Mac followed Zack into the large pool house, which the resort mostly used for pool parties and special occasions. Both looked around at the stacks of beach and pool furniture being stored, possibly removed to accommodate the nearly two hundred folding chairs needed for the wedding. They walked around the cluttered building and looked for anything suspicious.

  “I guess the guys were just sneaking in here for a smoke,” she informed Zack. “There’s nothing here.”

  Zack approached the corner where round, wicker lounge beds were stacked on top of one another. He crouched close to the floor and rubbed the concrete. Mac looked over his shoulder.

  “What is it?”


  “That doesn’t mean anything,” she announced. “People cut themselves. It’s barely even a smear.”

  Zack removed his Bowie knife and cut through the lining of the lounge bed partially sticking out on the bottom. He pulled the material up. Mac removed a small penlight from her pocket and shined it into the six-inch opening he’d made. They saw a man’s hand beneath some sort of clear plastic bag or plastic lining. Mac looked at Zack with surprise.

  “It’s a dead guy!”

  “I can see that,” Zack remarked then straightened and carefully lifted each of the hollow lounge beds with some effort. “Quite weighty.”

  “You mean--?”

  “I think we found the missing guards,” Zack announced while studying the stacked lounge beds. “I have to wonder. Are they the ones Corbin claimed vanished? Or are they the guys who were hunting us in the woods?”

  “Or are they one in the same?” Mac remarked then looked at him while cleverly raising her brow.

  “All good questions.”

  “So do we alert Corbin?”

  “No,” Zack replied. “If he already knows they’re here, he won’t be happy that we found them. We need to concentrate on what’s going down at the wedding tomorrow.”

  She patted him on the back and smirked. “Good luck to you,” Mac announced. “I have a boat to steal in the morning, and then I’m skipping town.”

  “You don’t want to stick around and see if I get myself killed?” he asked with a curious look. He turned and leaned against the stacked lounge beds. “You need to stop running, Mac. Even if you are just a hallucination, you have to own up to your mistakes eventually.”

  “Have you?” she demanded.

  “I’m going to hell no matter what, so that’s irrelevant,” he replied then eyed her. “You still have a sporting chance to save your soul.”

  “Thanks, but I think I’d rather stay alive,” she replied. “If you don’t get yourself killed, look me up sometime. We’ll have drinks.” Mac turned and left the pool house.

  Chapter Thirty-six

  It was the perfect morning for a beach wedding. Workers continued to scurry about making last minute adjustments to the area being set up for the wedding. The resort was moderately quiet after an early breakfast buffet for its guests. Everyone took time dressing for the lavish wedding, which would begin in a little under two hours. Beck reviewed security plans for the wedding with Gil and Bogart. Gil securely adjusted Darth’s bulletproof vest then inserted a spare semiautomatic in one slot and a Bowie knife in the built-in sheath on the other side. He grinned and affectionately scratched the dog’s ears.

  “Who’s the dangerous puppy?” Gil announced in a babyish tone. “You’re the dangerous puppy.”

  “Would you two like a moment alone?” Beck demanded, becoming impatient.

  Gil frowned then glared at Beck while straightening. Gil and Bogart looked past Beck, fidgeted, and excused themselves with little warning. Beck turned around and saw Pinto standing a few feet behind him. She was already dressed for the wedding, wearing a flattering ivory and pink dress. Beck couldn’t help taking in an eyeful of the gorgeous woman but knew she wasn’t there to seduce him.

  “You, uh, look beautiful,” he told her gently while fidgeting, uncertain what to do with his hands.

  “We should talk,” she informed him without acknowledging the compliment.

  Beck stared at her as if she’d given him the kiss of death. He turned into an awkward teenage boy before her eyes and nodded as if anticipating a stern scolding from his mother.

  “There’s nothing between Will and me,” she informed him. “We’re just friends.”

  “I know,” he replied timidly.

  “Then why are you acting like you don’t trust me?” she practically demanded.

  “It’s not you I don’t trust,” he informed her a little too quickly then drew a deep breath, straightened proudly, and stared back at her. “It’s Will I don’t trust.” He raised his brows sharply. “Did you know he’d be here?”

  Pinto hesitated then shook her head. “I didn’t know he knew either the bride or groom’s family,” she replied. “He never mentioned it, but I never said anything about the wedding either, since I had no plans on going. I’m sure you didn’t know your doctor friend was going to be here either and with Valerie no less. Coincidences do happen, Beck.”

  “And sometimes coincidences happen because they’re designed to happen,” he informed her. “Will just happens to be invited to the same wedding you were invited to, but he failed to mention that he was attending? You didn’t know you were going until the last minute. Did he mention anything to you that he’d be out of town nearly two weeks?”

  Pinto considered the question. Her expression revealed the answer. She stared at Beck with some surprise. “Actually, he said he’d bought tickets to some concert in Boulder for this weekend,” she remarked.

  “And he asked you to go along?”

  She stared at him and seemed prepared to snap a witty comeback but hesitated. “I suppose he could have forgotten about the wedding.”

  “Yes, he conveniently forgot until he found out you were going,” Beck informed her.

  “I never told him I was going,” she remarked with some arrogance. “My father showed up and basically whisked me away with little warning. I never even told him I was leaving.”

  “Yet on the day your father shows up, he buys plane tickets to Florida, and he just happens to be booked on the same cruise ship,” Beck remarked.

  “He wasn’t on the cruise ship,” she insisted without hesitation. “He flew in from the mainland the day we arrived on the island.”

  “I saw him leaving your stateroom on the ship,” Beck informed her.

  She stared at him with some surprise, allowing her mouth to fall open. She quickly gathered her emotions and stood proudly. “That’s impossible.”

  He laughed in a mildly unsettling manner. “It’s not impossible, Pinto,” he practically cried out then gestured wildly with his hands. “The guy’s been trying to put a wedge between us from the beginning, and it worked.” He shook his head in disbelief. “I’m trained to read people, and I had Will pegged from the moment I met him. I warned you about him not out of jealousy but from experience.” He stared into her eyes with a slightly demanding expression. “You refused to believe me about him. You chose faith in him as a friend over my established instincts. You made me the bad guy.”

  She fidgeted slightly and avoided eye
contact with him. “If it makes you feel any better, I told Will to back off for a while until I sorted all this out.”

  “For your sake, I’m happy about that,” Beck informed her, “but our relationship issues are the least of my worries at the moment.” He eyed the area surrounding them. “Something big is going down, and I have no doubt it’s happening at the wedding or during the reception. Half a dozen armed men attempted to take down my team yesterday. We’ve recently learned that whatever is happening has nothing to do with you. Now I have my team and two hundred civilians to think about.” He folded his arms across his chest and stared at her. “It’s time for you to pick a side,” he informed her firmly. “I can’t protect the people at this wedding if I’m busy begging you to trust me.”

  She stared at him a moment, inhaled deeply, and stood straight. “Of course I trust you,” she insisted.

  “Then you and Sal need to stay in your suite with the door locked until after the wedding and reception,” he informed her. “It’s the only way I’ll know you’re safe. It’s the only way I can protect you while keeping the others safe. Maybe I’m overreacting, but if I’m not, it’s going to get bad out here.”

  Pinto stared at him a moment then gently nodded without hesitation. “My father is in his room,” she informed him. “I’ll meet him there, and we won’t leave the room until you’re convinced it’s safe.”

  “Thank you,” Beck replied softly. “I can’t do what I have to if I’m worrying about your safety.”

  “I understand,” she replied then kissed him quickly on the lips and stared into his eyes. “Be careful.”


  Pinto hurried across the lobby as fast as her high heels would carry her. Sal would soon be ready, and she needed to keep him from leaving the room. Despite being in a hurry, Luke caught up with her and attempted to hold her back.

  “Hey, Pinto,” he announced cheerfully and swept a look over her. “You look stunning.”

  She didn’t ease her pace on her way to the elevator. “Thanks, Luke,” she replied with little acknowledgment.

  “I was wondering if you’d save me a dance at the reception,” he announced without slowing his pace then seemed to notice she was in a hurry. “Something wrong?”

  “No,” she replied while casting a quick glance at him then paused before the elevator. “I just wanted to catch my father before he left the room.”

  “Oh, for a minute there, I thought you were attempting to avoid me,” he remarked.

  She hit the elevator button several times with growing anxiety then glanced at Luke. “No, I’m not avoiding you. I just have a lot to do before the wedding.” Pinto then eyed him. “Don’t you have things you should be doing as well? Considering you’re one of the groomsmen.”

  “Yeah, but I have time,” he informed her. “What did your ex-boyfriend want?”

  Pinto gave him a strange look. “Ex-boyfriend? Who said he was my ex-boyfriend?”

  “It’s a fair assumption,” Luke remarked. “You came with your father and not him. I thought that maybe he was harassing you. I could have him removed if he’s bothering you.”

  “No,” she informed him with little interest. “He wasn’t harassing me.”

  When the elevator doors opened, Pinto stepped inside. Luke followed her, which seemed to annoy her. She pressed the button for her floor and he pressed the button for the floor above hers, where the wedding party suites were located.

  Pinto sank into thought then glanced at Luke. “How did you know he was my boyfriend?” she suddenly asked.

  Luke glanced at her then laughed softly. “Well, he’s certainly not one of the family,” he informed her, humored by the comment. “The only people being dressed by department stores at this resort are the hired help.”

  “Yes, but you referred to him as my boyfriend,” she remarked. “Why wouldn’t you assume he was just another security guard? I mean, he looks like a security guard. Why would you automatically assume he was my boyfriend?”

  “Your father must’ve have pointed him out,” Luke insisted with little interest.

  Pinto now stared at Luke. “Doubtful.”

  She fidgeted slightly. When the elevator doors opened on Pinto’s floor, she attempted to bolt away from him. Luke caught her around the waist and placed his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. She fought against him but was unable to break free from his grip. The door closed and continued to the top floor. Once the doors opened, he pulled her from the elevator as she struggled against him. A security guard immediately ran to him and subdued Pinto. They forced her into the nearby bridal suite. Belle and Matt were surprised to see the guard and Luke forcing Pinto into the room.

  “What’s going on?” Belle demanded.

  “She knows something,” Luke proclaimed while looking concerned. “We have to do something with her.”

  “Are you insane?” Matt cried out. “Why’d you bring her here?”

  “I didn’t know what else to do,” Luke snapped back. “We were in the elevator. She was going to tell her father something. I had to do something fast.”

  “Idiot,” Matt scoffed, turning hostile toward his son. “As soon as Sal realizes she’s missing, he’s going to have his SEAL team buddies tear this place apart looking for her. We don’t need that kind of heat.”

  “I’ll stall him,” Luke snarled, annoyed by the lecture. “By the time he realizes she’s missing, it’ll be too late.”

  “No, I’ll stall him,” Matt snapped back. “You just see that she’s kept hidden and quiet until this is over.”

  Belle folded her arms across her chest over top her satin robe. “You two are pathetic,” she lashed out. “You’re going to ruin my wedding. The reception is going to suck as it is. The least you could do is let me have my wedding.”

  “No one’s ruining your wedding,” Matt informed his daughter with a mixture of compassion and irritation. “You just finish getting ready. Your bridesmaids will be here any minute.” He then glared at the guard and Luke with disapproval. “Get her out of here and someplace where she won’t be seen. Make sure she keeps quiet. Use the connecting door to my suite.”

  The guard and Luke forced Pinto across the honeymoon suite, despite her struggling, and through the connecting door into Matt’s adjoining suite.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Sal mingled with the other guests on the lawn before the beach, a glass of champagne in his hand. The wedding was about to start in a few minutes, and the guests were getting ready to take their seats. A live band played, indicating the ceremony was about to begin. Will joined Sal and admired the romantic and expensive wedding laid out before them.

  “Have you seen Pinto?” Will asked while looking around. “She’s been a little cool to me ever since her ex-boyfriend showed up.” He eyed Sal with a concerned look. “I don’t trust that guy. I think he’s trying to pressure her into taking him back. I’m worried for her safety.”

  Sal eyed the young man and raised an arrogant brow. “Son,” Sal announced while offering a tiny smile. “I think you had better stay away from my daughter and find another woman to lust after. Make no mistake, if you so much as smile at my daughter, I’m going to send some friends to your house. They’ll have you fitted with a nice pair of cement boots, and we’ll see how long you can hold your breath.” Sal smiled pleasantly. “Are we clear?”

  Will stared at Sal with horror on his face and took a step back from him. “Uh, yeah. Perfectly clear, Mr. Romano.” He quickly turned and ran back to the hotel.

  “That felt good.” Sal smiled smugly, satisfied with himself and sipped his champagne.

  Beck hurried to join Sal and gave him a bewildered look. “What are you doing down here?” he almost demanded.

  Sal eyed him with a strange look then grinned. “Attending my friend’s son’s wedding,” he cheerfully reported. “Great news. Will stopped by and said he was leaving right after the wedding. He was sorry for all the trouble he caused between you and Pinto and won�
�t be hanging around anymore. Isn’t that wonderful news?”

  Beck gave him a strange look. “Just like that?”

  “Yeah, kids today don’t know what they want,” Sal replied and casually waved him off. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he leaves Colorado.”

  Beck maintained his stare at Sal with some distrust.

  Sal seemed to enjoy the baffled look he received, although he didn’t bother to elaborate further. “I thought you were securing this place from a distance.”

  Beck stared at him a moment almost unable to speak then snapped out of his daze and shook his head, giving up trying to figure out Sal. “You’re not supposed to be down here. Pinto promised she’d keep you with her upstairs where it’s safe.”

  He appeared surprised and stared at Beck. “When did you talk to her?”

  “About an hour ago,” Beck replied. “Didn’t she meet you in your room?”

  Sal’s look turned concerned. “No, I haven’t seen her since she headed out after she changed for the wedding nearly two hours ago.” He set his champagne glass down and stared at Beck with a shattered expression. “Is she okay?”

  Beck uncertainly shook his head then removed his hand radio. “Guys, I need a twenty on Pinto. Anyone have eyes on her?”

  There was a round of negative responses.

  “I haven’t seen her since she got into the elevator over an hour ago,” Bogart announced over the radio. “I believe she was heading to her room. She went up.”

  “Was she alone?” Beck demanded.

  “Uh, negative,” Bogart replied. “She was with the brother of the bride. What’s his name?”

  Beck’s mind appeared to be reeling with the new information. “Jackie,” Beck practically yelled into the radio.

  “I’m heading there now,” came Jackie’s response.

  “I’m meeting Jackie on the third floor,” Beck announced over the hand radio. “Everyone else stay in position.”

  “She’s not in our room,” Sal informed Beck. “I would have seen her.”

  Beck again raised his radio. “Jackie, meet me on the fourth floor. You start in the north corridor. I’ll take the south.”