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O-Dark-Hundred Page 21

  “No sign of Corbin or his hostages,” Monroe announced while allowing his rifle to fall against his shoulder.

  “The resort is secure. The remaining guards fled the area,” Gil informed Beck. “They could be planning an escape.”

  “What about my father?” Pinto gasped softly while staring at the guys with tears and mascara streaking her battered and bleeding face.

  “We haven’t found him either,” Bogart replied gently then forced a tiny, reassuring smile. “We’ll find him though. I’m sure he’s just fine.”

  The rest of the team glared at Bogart. He fidgeted from the looks he’d received. Lying to Pinto wasn’t helping anyone. They were almost certain of Sal’s fate after what they’d heard over the radio.

  “My husband,” Emily announced from where she kneeled alongside Pinto with concern on her face. “They have my husband, don’t they?”

  Beck stared at the concerned woman and nodded. “Yeah, Mrs. Banks, they have your husband. We’re going to get them back,” he insisted.

  Zack jogged across the resort toward them. “Several jeeps are missing,” he informed them as he approached. “There are fresh burn marks where they were parked. They headed into the island’s interior.”

  “We’ll have to split up and search the island for them,” Beck announced. “They’ll be heading for a dock of some sort. There weren’t any landing fields for a hidden a plane, so they must intend to leave by boat.”

  “When we did the fly-by, there were several isolated docks,” Jackie replied, “but I didn’t see any boats. They could be heading for the mansion.”

  “That’s not the way the tire tracks went,” Zack insisted in a stern tone.

  “Maybe they circled back to the mansion,” Beck remarked, almost disregarding Zack’s report.

  “No, they went into the island’s interior,” Zack reconfirmed with frustration. “I’m not some delusional mental patient. You need to trust my intel if we’re going to save those hostages.”

  Beck fidgeted and eyed the rest of the team, uncertain if he could take Zack at face value, especially after all his false alarms onboard the ship.

  Jackie stared at Zack’s expression then looked at Beck. “There was a dock on the far end of the island,” she announced in Zack’s defense. “If they went through the island’s interior, they could be heading there. I could take the helicopter and beat them to it.”

  “I’m with Jackie,” Zack insisted with little room for objection.

  Beck reluctantly nodded not that Zack would have listened to him anyway. Jackie and Zack ran from the ransacked wedding area and through the hotel, being the quicker route.

  “If the plan was to kill Giovanni, what are they waiting for?” Pinto asked while sniffing. “Why take prisoners? Why kill my father when they already had the man they wanted?”

  “They’ve been caught,” Beck replied gently. “They need a few bargaining chips. They’ll undoubtedly keep Giovanni alive until they know they’re safe.” He then looked at his team. “Gil and I will take a jeep north toward the mansion. Kirk can head through the island’s interior with a four-wheeler on the off chance Zack is right. Monroe and Bogart can take a jeep and head south.” Beck crouched alongside Pinto and gently took her hand in his. “You stay here with the others. Go inside and lock yourself in your room. I’ll be back for you, I promise.” He kissed her gently on the forehead then looked into her frightened eyes.

  “Be careful,” she whispered.

  He smiled and nodded then placed a semiautomatic pistol in her hand. “You too.”

  As the five men and Darth ran from the destroyed wedding venue, Emily helped Pinto to her feet. She leaned heavily on the woman as they headed toward the resort.


  Both women stopped and looked around for the voice. Sal ran toward them while clutching his bleeding arm. Pinto gasped with surprise and limped for her father. They hugged happily while Pinto sobbed.

  She pulled away and looked at him with concern. “You’re bleeding,” she cried out.

  He eyed her knowingly. “Yeah, so are you.” Sal looked around. “Where are the guys?”

  “They went to find Corbin and his men,” Pinto informed him. “They took hostages.”

  “They’re heading into the island’s interior,” Sal informed them and scanned the disastrous area. “I need to warn them. I need another hand radio.” He ran to one of the dead guards and picked up the blood-covered radio. He attempted to reach the guys, but the hand radio didn’t work. He tossed it aside with disgust and continued to scan the area for another.

  “How did you get away?” Pinto asked.

  Sal snorted a soft laugh. “You’d never believe me if I told you.” He sank into thought then looked around. “I need to help the guys.”

  “They’re chasing after trained killers,” Emily informed him. “What can you do to help?”

  Sal eyed Emily and shook his head while revealing a tiny smile. “My dear lady,” he announced. “Have you forgotten what you married into?”


  The helicopter flew above the tall trees, barely leaving enough room to pass over them while following one of the jeep trails. With the thick woods, it was impossible to check every inch of road, but Jackie and Zack could cover more ground from the air and would likely see a fleeing jeep. While Jackie piloted the older helicopter, Zack sat in the aft-sliding side opening with his rifle in hand looking as if he were about to jump from the moving helicopter. Jackie tried to focus her attention on the road through the thick woods, but it was difficult not to keep an eye on the man half hanging out the side opening, especially without a cable tethered to a harness. She saw dirt kicking up from one of the trails then caught a glimpse of the jeep’s rear bumper.

  “Found them,” Jackie announced, alerting Zack.

  She used the helicopter radio to contact Beck, although there was a lot of static.

  “Beck, Zack was right. They’re heading for the opposite shore. I count three jeeps,” she announced then looked around. “I’m going to veer south and sweep the shore for their escape route. I’m sure they hear me in the sky, but I don’t want them to think I’ve seen them. I don’t want to give them any reason to start killing hostages.”

  “Copy,” Beck replied through the static. “We’re regrouping and heading your way.”

  Jackie veered south and headed for the far shore. They made the far beach nearly fifteen minutes before those in the jeep would arrive. A decent sized yacht sat anchored just off shore with a motorized raft pulled onto the beach. Matt must have alerted someone; since the yacht hadn’t been there the day she did the fly-by. Jackie lowered the helicopter and watched Zack leap from the side, barely waiting until they were low enough. Jackie shook her head then flew away from the extraction boat. She landed in a clearing a safe distance away. If they made it to the boat, she’d still have plenty of time to fly after them before they’d get very far. She secured her tactical batons in her holster, placed a gun down the back of her pants, and then grabbed her rifle. She hurried from the helicopter and made her way to the location where Zack had dropped.


  The four-wheeler flew along the jeep trail in the center of the island. Jeeps from both sides filed in behind Kirk on his ATV as they raced for the opposite end of the island. The hostage jeep bringing up the rear appeared just ahead of them. They had separated the hostages among the three jeeps, purposely making each vehicle a fragile target. The last jeep veered to the left and the middle jeep to the right. Kirk chased the one to the left, while Monroe and Bogart followed the jeep to the right. Gil and Beck with Darth in the back stayed on the lead jeep containing only one hostage…Giovanni.

  Chapter Forty

  The jeep raced along the wider path heading toward the south side of the island with Marco sitting in the front passenger seat and Nelson Banks between two guards in the backseat. Nelson glanced over his shoulder several times as Kirk gained on them despite the guard shooting at him. Marco
kept an eye on the ATV through the side view mirror as well. The jeep jumped the woods’ edge and landed on the beach, tearing up the sand. Nelson looked at Marco in the passenger seat in front of him.

  “Marco,” Nelson suddenly yelled, alerting him. Nelson thrust his body into the guard sitting forward. “Jump!”

  As he threw the guard off balance, Marco instantly reacted and dove from the speeding jeep, landing in the sand and rolling several times. The guard who had been firing at Kirk struck Nelson with his gun, nearly knocking him unconscious with the violent hit. Kirk eyed the fallen man in the sand. Marco moved to his knees and motioned him to go after Nelson. Kirk raced along the sand, picking up speed and keeping low on the ATV to avoid stray rounds of rifle fire. Both men in the backseat on either side of Nelson now fired at Kirk.

  Bullets ricocheting off the ATV were a little close for comfort. Kirk kept his rifle snug against his body and propped on the handlebars to maintain control over the vehicle and still take his shot. Nelson again glanced behind him, despite his bleeding head. Without warning, Nelson leaped into the man on his left and knocked him from the jeep. Both men struck the sand with Nelson landing on top. Nelson punched the man in the face, but the guard still managed to aim his firearm. Nelson held his breath. The guard suddenly took a shot to the chest, sending him backward onto the sand.

  Nelson looked up as Kirk flew past while skillfully cocking the rifle with one hand while steering the ATV with the other. Nelson grinned and saluted him. Marco ran across the sand to join his father’s friend. He grabbed his arm and hurried him back into the woods to get them out of the fire zone in case Kirk lost the battle. Kirk suddenly skidded to a stop, partially spinning the four-wheeler in a semicircle and sending sand flying. He took careful aim through the riflescope and fired. The bullet struck the gas tank causing the jeep to explode and flip, propelling both burning guards through the air. Nelson and Marco stopped just short of the woods and looked back. Kirk motioned them back to the resort then raced along the beach to the rendezvous.


  The jeep on the north trail flew over large rocks, jolting its two hostages, Wade in the front passenger seat and Valerie in the back center between Matt and another guard. Matt and the guard in the back attempted to shoot at the jeep in hot pursuit, but they found it nearly impossible with the rough terrain. Bogart jetted the jeep over the rocks while Monroe attempted to hold onto the roll cage where he stood in the back with his rifle.

  “How about keeping this rig steady?” Monroe cried out to the driver.

  Bogart concentrated on his driving, looking much like a racecar driver tackling a road course. “Driving here,” he snarled back.

  “Damn it,” Monroe shouted in a mild temper tantrum. “Next time, I’m driving!”

  “I’ve got this!”

  “Get a little closer, Mario,” Monroe yelled at him while motioning at the jeep ahead of them.

  “You want closer?” Bogart demanded then grinned while cocking his head. “I’ll get you closer!”

  Bogart stepped on the gas despite the rough terrain and nearly launched the jeep into the air. Monroe clung to the roll cage and screamed as his eyes widened with horror. The jeep caught up to the one in front of it and rammed its back bumper, jolting the jeep and nearly sending it off what barely qualified as a road. Bogart rammed the jeep again.

  “I said get closer,” Monroe cried out. “I didn’t say kill the hostages!”

  “Quit your whining and shoot the bastards,” Bogart shouted back while concentrating on his driving.

  Monroe again raised his rifle. As Matt and the guard attempted to fire at them, Bogart again rammed them. Both men were thrown off balance, interrupting their ability to shoot. Monroe stood straight in the bouncing jeep, maintained his balance in spite of Bogart’s driving, and fired. The shell pierced the guard through the chest, exploded through his back, and struck the driver in the head.

  “Yeah,” Monroe shouted. “A twofer--!”

  As the driver fell against the steering wheel, the driverless jeep veered sharply out of control. Bogart slammed on the brakes. The jeep sideswiped a tree then rammed a second with its left front fender, jolting it to a stop. Matt was moderately dazed, realized what had happened, and attempted to jump out the side of the jeep. Bogart’s jeep slammed into the back of the totaled vehicle, sending Matt flying out the side and to the ground. Monroe leaped out the side of the jeep, ran for the fallen man, and aimed the rifle at his face. Matt stared up the barrel of the rifle to the devilishly grinning Monroe. His finger tightened on the trigger.

  “Any last words, wabbit?”

  Matt nervously put his hands in the air while trembling. Monroe stared down the barrel of the rifle.

  “Pow!” he cried out.

  Matt screamed and cowered, believing Monroe shot him. Once he realized he’d been duped, he looked at Monroe. Monroe struck him in the face with the butt of the rifle then grinned deviously. Valerie and Wade stumbled from the jeep and looked from Matt to Monroe.

  “Is it over?” Valerie asked.

  “I think you’ve done your part,” Monroe informed them. “We have a few loose ends yet.” He tossed Wade two zip ties. “Remember how to use these, Doc?”

  Wade caught the zip ties, eyed Monroe, and then nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

  “Take care of that one for us,” Monroe announced. “We’ll swing by to collect the trash on the way back.”

  Monroe jumped into the jeep with Bogart. The battered jeep grinded slightly, but Bogart was able to get it to run. He turned the jeep on the narrow path then headed for the interior road to meet the others on the far beach. Valerie leaned against the wrecked jeep and groaned softly while eying Wade.

  “And you thought weddings were boring,” she announced while breathing heavily and holding her chest.

  He smiled and chuckled softly while picking up Matt’s discarded gun. “I stand corrected.”

  Chapter Forty-one

  Gil drove the jeep behind Corbin’s jeep, keeping a safe distance on the rocky trail. He allowed enough space to swerve to avoid the rifle fire from both men in back surrounding Giovanni, who mostly kept his head down. Giovanni knew enough to keep low while the hired professionals killed one another. Beck fired a shot then ducked in the passenger seat while grabbing the hand radio. Darth sat up several times to enjoy the open jeep experience, but Gil kept giving him the ‘down’ signal. He’d resume his position on the floor in the back to avoid stray shots. The beach was just ahead of Corbin’s jeep.

  “Jackie,” Beck shouted into the radio. “Tell me you and Zack are in place. We’re coming in hot!”

  “Bring the party to us,” Jackie announced over the radio. “We’re ready to rock.”

  Beck looked at Gil, who now watched him. He nodded. Gil’s look turned a frightening shade of serious as he stepped on the gas and jetted after Corbin’s jeep. By the time Corbin’s jeep hit the sand, Gil was practically on their bumper. He rammed the jeep in front of him, knocking both men back into their seats on either side of Giovanni. A rifle fired, striking the man in the rear passenger side. He flew out the back of the jeep and hit the sand. Gil didn’t even attempt to swerve, running over the man in his path. Beck stood up straight and fired his rifle in time with two unseen shooters. Gil raced alongside Corbin’s jeep and immediately rammed into their side.

  Corbin attempted to get a shot at Gil from the front passenger seat but was unable to make the shot from the sudden impact. Beck tossed his rifle aside and leaped into the back of Corbin’s jeep. In one fluid motion, he punched the man with the rifle and tackled Giovanni out the opposite side of the jeep. Once they were clear of Beck and Giovanni, Gil rammed the jeep again then veered off. Darth sat up in the back and barked his threatening warning. Corbin flew from the jeep just before it rolled. Several rifle shots from hidden locations fired at the rolling jeep. It suddenly exploded mid-roll. Corbin attempted to flee the scene, but a rifle fired and the sand exploded in front of him. He stopped and rai
sed his hands in the air. Jackie and Zack approached from their hidden positions behind some large rocks while keeping their guns trained on Corbin. Beck helped Giovanni to his feet.

  “My son?” Giovanni cried out.

  “Safely on the south beach,” Beck informed him.

  Bogart’s jeep appeared from the path in the woods and drove along the sand toward them. Kirk on his four-wheeler approached from the south beach.

  “Are we clear?” Beck asked the men.

  “All bad guys accounted for,” Kirk announced. “Dead, but accounted for.”

  “Matt’s a little shaken, but he’s contained,” Monroe informed them. “Doc’s taking care of him. We just need to collect the trash on the way back.”

  “You leave that trash to me,” Giovanni growled.

  The guys exchanged looks but didn’t comment either way. Although not their usual practice, none wanted to piss off one of the most notorious mob bosses.

  Zack allowed his rifle to rest on his shoulder and grinned. “I’m good with that solution.”

  The severely damaged jeep appeared on the beach from the trail in the woods. Valerie drove the jeep with Wade in the passenger seat and Matt tied in the back. Monroe groaned lowly, shook his head, and made his way toward them as they approached in the battered jeep.

  “I told you to wait for us, Doc,” Monroe informed him with annoyance in his tone.

  “It’s a trap!” Valerie screamed.

  Matt suddenly revealed a gun and shot Valerie in the head. She fell from the jeep. Before anyone could react, Wade aimed his semiautomatic and shot Monroe, throwing him to the sand. Darth snarled and barked viciously. Wade and Matt aimed their weapons at the team. Before anyone could react, Corbin pulled a concealed gun from his pants and aimed it at Giovanni.

  “Let’s not do anything stupid,” Corbin snarled, catching everyone’s attention.