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Basement Dwellers Page 3
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Page 3
At the opposite end of the hall, Monica talked with one of the orderlies, Alpert. They were the only other people Lexx noticed the entire time she stood outside the nurse’s station. Despite her rugged appearance, Monica was a moderately attractive woman in her late twenties with dark nearly black hair. She seemed to be a tough woman with more than enough of her own mind not to accept anyone else’s opinion. Perhaps Lexx was just soured on the woman after their altercation yesterday evening. The orderly she was talking with was lean, clean-cut, and built athletic. They made a nice couple, although they didn’t interact on an intimate level, so their relationship was questionable. Lexx wondered if it was possible for any man to want the surly woman. Lexx decided it was best to mind her own business, particularly since what she was doing wasn’t exactly authorized. Alpert finally ended the conversation and headed for one of the rooms in the opposite direction of the nurse’s station. Monica saw Lexx with the chart in her hand, appeared irritated, and quickly approached the desk.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Monica demanded with hostility.
Lexx had seen her approach and didn’t bother looking up. The woman obviously didn’t know the meaning of ‘tactful’ and preferred the ‘get in your face’ approach.
“Just a little light reading,” Lexx casually replied.
Monica snatched the chart from her, barely startling Lexx. The anger clearly showed on Monica’s face. “You can’t just pick up charts and read them.”
Despite her annoyance, Lexx showed restraint toward the insufferable woman. “That’s my uncle’s chart, and I have every right to know his condition.”
“You want an update; you talk to the doctor or nurse,” Monica snarled then indicated the chart while waving it. “This is confidential information.”
“Not to me it isn’t.”
Lexx snatched the chart. Despite her surprise, Monica’s reflexes prevented her from taking the chart. There was a minor struggle for control of the binder.
“I don’t know who the hell you think you are--” Monica lashed out heatedly.
Lexx stared into her eyes with a venomous look. “I’m the one who kept my uncle from dying at the hands of an EMT who doesn’t know a collapsed lung from a crushed windpipe!”
Monica appeared horrified by the comment then immediately turned enraged. “I’m calling security on your ass before I put my foot up it!”
Lexx grabbed Monica’s wrist, twisted it, and removed the chart from her hand. Monica appeared stunned. She obviously hadn’t expected the seemingly docile looking woman to come at her with such aggression.
“Don’t push me,” Lexx growled and walked away with the chart.
Monica suddenly tackled Lexx to the floor and both women screamed while wrestling each other for the chart. The sound attracted several people from nearby rooms. Voices were yelling over them. Lexx and Monica were roughly pulled apart and to their feet. Alpert held Lexx back, while a man with coal black hair in his early thirties and wearing a police uniform, Hill Burke, held Monica back. Lexx instantly calmed, but Monica thrashed against the handsome police officer.
“That’s enough!” Hill shouted.
Monica stopped struggling, although she was cursing under her breath. Hill seemed to debate his next move then reluctantly released Monica. She spun to face him with hostility.
“She took a confidential chart,” Monica lashed out. “I was trying to get it back when she assaulted me.”
“Was that before or after you tackled her to the floor?” Hill casually asked.
Monica sneered at him. Lexx immediately realized there was a familiarity between the EMT and the officer. Depending upon their relationship, there was a good chance any argument would fall on deaf ears. Alpert released Lexx and picked up the discarded chart. Hill eyed the chart in Alpert’s hand then glanced at Lexx while casually resting his hand on his gun belt.
“What’s going on?” Hill demanded.
Lexx stood proudly and straightened her rumpled shirt from where the orderly held her. “My uncle is in critical condition, and I wanted to see what was being done for him,” Lexx announced then indicated Monica with a sneer. “That crazy bitch is still a little pissy, because she nearly cost him his life yesterday.”
Her words cut through Monica and nearly sent her into an uncontrollable rage. “I’m going to kick her ass if you don’t get her out of here, Hill!”
First name basis wasn’t going to play well in Lexx’s favor. She was starting to wish she’d spent more time socializing and kissing ass like her brother. If she was lucky, Carson had some influential friends, because it was starting to sound like she’d be receiving a citation. The police officer was undeniably handsome, even Lexx with her limited dating experience had to admit as much. If he were dating the EMT, he’d undoubtedly side with her in a heartbeat. The law was the law, until it came down to the woman dating the law. Then the woman screwing the law had final say.
Hill glared at Monica and didn’t appear pleased with her tone. He pointed a warning finger at her. “Secure that shit, Monica. I’m not in the mood,” he launched back. “You’re the only one who’s out of control here.”
Monica glared at Hill and appeared unusually hostile toward him. “Typical man; sticking up for the hot girl.”
To Lexx’s relief, they weren’t lovers, which leveled the playing field. In fact, Monica didn’t seem to like or respect the officer. The look on Hill’s face was moderately enraged. The more Monica irritated the officer, the less likely he would side with her.
“As sheriff of Emmerich, I’m deeply offended by that comment,” he growled lowly. “As your brother, speak to me like that again, and you won’t live to see your next birthday.”
Hill’s words relieved Lexx. He was the EMT’s brother. If their relationship was anything like hers and Carson’s, Monica wasn’t winning any arguments. Monica sneered and walked away while muttering a few hardcore curse words. Alpert handed Hill the chart and hurried after Monica. And there it was! The boyfriend was always the one chasing after the angry woman. Hill eyed the chart he held, tossed it onto the desk, and glared at Lexx. His cold gaze cut through her. What was it about police officers and principals? One look was enough to send a ripple of fear through her.
“Congratulations on rubbing my sister the wrong way,” he boldly announced. “You’ve made an enemy for life.”
She attempted to pretend his authority didn’t intimidate her. It proved tough. He was intimidating. “Sorry, but your sister has a bad attitude.”
“I’m aware of that, but you don’t seem far behind,” he informed her. “I’m sure you know patient files are confidential. You could have just walked away when she called you on it. That would have been the smart thing to do.”
“I’ve had a very rough night. Thinking straight went out the window when the sun came up,” Lexx remarked with little emotion. “The nurses aren’t helpful, and I’m tired of waiting for the doctor.”
He stared at her a moment but his expression didn’t offer any insight to his thoughts. “Can you honestly tell me you understood anything you read?”
“I understood it all,” she casually replied.
He appeared surprised while studying her. “Are you a doctor or something?”
“Not exactly,” she replied. “I’m a mortician.”
There was an awkward silence as he stared at her. It was the same look she received every time she told someone what she did for a living.
“A mortician?” he asked with some surprise.
She cleverly raised her brows and came back with her usual response to the familiar question coupled with the look. “Am I not creepy enough to be a mortician?”
Hill immediately fumbled from her bold comment and resumed his authoritative demeanor. “A mortician is a far cry from a doctor.”
She grinned. “I’m smarter than I look.”
They were approached by woman in her mid-thirties dressed in a lab coat. Dr. Tracy Kirby was a raven-haired beauty w
ith olive skin and a flawless complexion. Her dark eyes and dark eyelashes stood out, further complemented by her ruby red lips. Lexx had to admit, she’d never seen a more beautiful woman. She was suddenly self-conscious about her own hair tossed carelessly into a ponytail with stray locks hanging in front of her eyes. If she thought the woman was beautiful, she wondered what the handsome sheriff was thinking at that moment. She couldn’t even bring herself to cast a glance at him. Seeing men tripping over themselves around hot women was one of her pet peeves. Carson and Rolan were notorious for boyish giddy when confronted by hot women. Tracy paused before them and eyed both.
“I heard a commotion,” she announced and appeared curious. “What’s going on, Sheriff Burke?”
Hill picked up the chart and casually handed it to the attractive doctor. “I believe the young lady has some questions about her uncle’s condition,” he announced. Without a second glance, he walked away.
His lack of interest in the raving beauty surprised Lexx. Obviously, he was either gay or she was an ex-girlfriend. Disinterest didn’t seem possible otherwise.
Tracy watched Hill walk away, looked at Lexx, and appeared bewildered. “Well, he’s acting stranger than usual,” she remarked then smiled with perfect, white teeth. “I’m Dr. Kirby. How can I help you?”
Lexx brushed off any thoughts of the relationship between the doctor and sheriff. “My uncle, Brandon Davenport, was in that car crash yesterday,” she announced. “I wanted to know what medications he was being given, but the nurses were less than helpful.”
“The ICU has been overwhelmed with patients since that accident,” Tracy informed her. “The staff is stretched pretty thin.” She opened the chart and handed it to Lexx. “This is the list of medications your uncle is currently receiving. Routine stuff for someone in his condition. Heavy-duty painkillers, antibiotics, hydration fluids--” She offered a reassuring smile. “Let’s go see him.”
Lexx eyed the chart in her hands then followed the doctor to Brandon’s room. She followed Tracy into the room and glanced at her uncle lying motionless in his bed. Brandon was still comatose with tubes and monitors surrounding him. Tracy picked up the clipboard, looked over it, and then checked the monitors while Lexx flipped through the chart with great interest. She skimmed through the less interesting parts and marveled at Dr. Sharp’s horrible penmanship. She didn’t find what she was looking for and glanced at the attractive doctor.
“What was that injection the surgeon gave him yesterday?” Lexx asked. “I don’t see it listed.”
Tracy looked at Lexx with mild confusion, took the chart from her, and browsed through it. She glanced at Lexx and shook her head.
“I assume it was some sort of painkiller, but it would have been an IV bag,” she informed her. “We very rarely inject anything directly into the tubes, and I doubt Dr. Sharp injected it himself. That’s the nurse’s job.”
“I know what I saw,” Lexx informed her. “I thought it seemed strange, and it’s been bugging me since last night.”
Her comment seemed to strike the doctor as odd as well. She smiled and covered her confusion. “If it makes you feel better, I can check into it for you,” Tracy announced.
“I’d appreciate that,” Lexx replied then looked at her motionless uncle lying in his bed. “Is he improving?”
“Improving? Well, he’s still in a coma,” Tracy replied and set the chart aside. “With the head injury he received, he’s going to be that way for quite some time. We’re looking at possible brain damage--”
“Brain damage?” Lexx suddenly gasped and stared at the attractive woman with surprise. “Dr. Sharp believed he would make a full recovery in a couple of days.” She felt her blood pressure spiking with her increased anxiety. “He didn’t say anything about brain damage.”
If Dr. Kirby was surprised by the comment, she covered it well. “Yesterday was a very chaotic and stressful day on all of us,” Tracy gently informed her while noting Lexx’s increased anxiety. “It’s possible Dr. Sharp may have given you information on the wrong patient.”
Lexx stared at her with horror as all expression drained from her face. “You don’t expect my uncle to recover?”
Tracy stared at her and appeared equally surprised. She quickly composed herself and remained professional. “I’m very sorry you were misinformed about his condition, but there’s always hope for recovery.” She fumbled for something positive to add. “We’ll know the extent once the swelling has gone down. A coma is the body’s way of allowing itself to heal at its own pace. There’s an excellent chance he’ll come out of the coma,” she announced then hesitated, “but there was damage.”
Lexx stared at Tracy with her mouth hanging open and couldn’t even speak. Carson entered the room with a smile and gave Lexx a hug, startling her.
“How is he?” Carson asked almost cheerfully, oblivious to the mood of the room.
Lexx held back her sobs, pulled from his arms, and shook her head. “I can’t--” she gasped softly. “Talk to the doctor.” Lexx ran from the room.
Chapter Six
The hospital basement corridor was drab and bland with cinder block walls painted white in an attempt to make it look more cheerful. The floor was basic concrete with a coat of paint to brighten the area. The basement was nearly silent with little to no activity. It wasn’t a place most visited without good reason. Apart from those who worked downstairs, the traffic was relatively light, particularly early in the morning. Lexx sat on the floor not far from the morgue. She held her knees to her chest and sobbed softly into her knees. A shadow loomed over her.
“Lexx?” a male voice spoke over her.
Lexx sniffed, wiped the tears from her face, and looked up. A man in his early forties wearing a scrub uniform and a white lab coat stood over her. Lexx again sniffed and wiped her tears. Dr. Nathan Oswald crouched before her and appeared sympathetic.
“Is it Brandon?” he asked gently.
“The doctor just told me he has brain damage,” she said softly and attempted to keep from crying.
“Oh, Lexx. I’m so sorry,” he said sympathetically then raised his brows, “but don’t you think you’re getting ahead of yourself? You’ve studied medicine.” He placed his hand affectionately on her shoulder. “You know the brain is a funny little guy that can’t be predicted. Brain damage could just mean he doesn’t remember how to tie his shoes.”
Lexx stared at Nathan and again wiped her eyes. His words seemed to help her relax. He was good at that. “Do you really think I’m overreacting?”
“Brandon is a tough son-of-a-bitch with an extremely thick head and a very high IQ,” Nathan informed her. “To him, a little brain damage will just bring him closer to our level.”
Lexx managed a soft laugh.
Nathan straightened and extended his hand to her. “Come on. I’ll buy you a cup of tea.”
Lexx accepted his hand and allowed him to help her to her feet. They approached the nearby door. The frosted glass window on the door had ‘morgue’ written on it. Beneath that, ‘Dr. Nathan Oswald, Coroner’. Nathan opened the morgue door and allowed Lexx to enter ahead of him. A few minutes later, Lexx was sitting on the empty autopsy table while holding a cup of tea as she watched the coroner at the next table over. Nathan performed an autopsy on a man in his late fifties. Lexx watched him slice into the man’s chest and crack open his sternum with a sternal saw, which looked like a glorified glue gun. He then placed the chest spreader into the opening, pried open his chest cavity, and exposed everything from the inside. As he skillfully probed and examined the dead man’s internal organs, Lexx knew she was odd for finding his work so fascinating. The way he dove into a person’s body with both hands left her mildly awestruck. Dr. Oswald was her hero.
“What happened to him?” she finally asked.
“Domestic dispute,” he replied and cast a glance at her. “He lost.”
“That’s awful.”
“Eh, not really,” Nathan replied callously with a shrug.
“Judging by the condition of his wife, I’d say he had it coming. Any man raising his hand to a woman in that manner is living on borrowed time, if you want my opinion.” He sighed deeply and continued with his work. “Sheriff Burke wants me to cross my ‘T’s’ and dot my ‘I’s’ on this one. Our dead guy’s bastard of a brother is pushing for the wife’s arrest, but the sheriff has been to that house enough to know she was defending herself.”
“How did she do him in?”
Nathan motioned Lexx over. Lexx jumped off the autopsy table with a little too much enthusiasm and approached the dead man with his chest spread apart. Nathan stepped back and studied her while she visually examined the body. Although she couldn’t see it, he watched her with an odd fascination. Lexx finally pointed to a small hole in the opened chest.
“I’m guessing that hole did him in,” she responded then eyed him. “What caused it?”
“You tell me,” he replied.
Nathan handed Lexx a spectrum and challenged her with a sly smirk. She grinned her acceptance to the challenge, took the spectrum, and gently poked around beneath the tissue.
“Strange little hole,” she announced and appeared bewildered while studying the puncture. She looked back at Nathan while raising her brows with surprise. “Knitting needles?”
Nathan chuckled softly and appeared pleased. “You missed your calling, sweetheart.”
There was a knock on the door as it opened, causing both to look up. Hill entered, saw the open body on the table, and immediately turned away.