O-Dark-Hundred Read online

Page 4

  Dr. Sherman looked from Jackie to Zack and cleverly raised his brows. “Oh?”

  “Yeah, he thinks I have a soft spot for the commander’s daughter, so she gets all the shit assignments meant to keep me in line.” He rolled his eyes and snorted a soft laugh. “I’m not saying she doesn’t have a great ass and mind-blowing cleavage, but I’m not some hormone enraged sailor on shore leave. That’s more Monroe’s thing.”

  “So you don’t have a soft spot for your former commander’s daughter?” Dr. Sherman questioned while studying him.

  Zack eyed Jackie. She just stared back, folded her arms across her chest, and raised a cocky brow waiting for his response. He looked back at the doctor.

  “Of course not,” Zack replied with little hesitation then straightened proudly. “That’s absurd. I mean, sure, it’s a bit of a turn-on that she can just about kick my ass. What guy wouldn’t get a little hard from that?”

  Jackie’s mouth fell open with a nearly shocked expression. “Zack,” she gasped while sitting forward then immediately appeared offended. “Who do you think you’re kidding? I most certainly can kick your ass!”

  “Yeah, when you cheat,” he scoffed then looked back at the doctor. “Come on, Doc. Give me a note so I can return to active duty. This is bullshit.”

  Dr. Sherman straightened while studying Zack and sighed deeply. “Zack,” he began gently without taking his eyes off him. “Jackie isn’t here.”

  Zack stared at him a moment then eyed Jackie, who remained casually seated in the chair alongside the door.

  “Well,” she scoffed while raising an arrogant brow. “He’s not the sharpest tool.”

  He looked back at Dr. Sherman, searching his eyes a moment, obviously considering the doctor had lost his mind. “She’s in the chair by the door. Not sure how you can miss her.”

  Dr. Sherman grimaced slightly and shook his head. “I’m afraid not, Zack. Beck and Monroe brought you. They’re in the waiting room.”

  Zack again looked at the chair by the door. It was empty. He stared at the chair a long moment with disbelief then looked around the room for Jackie. He uncertainly rubbed his sore temple then eyed the doctor.

  “Am I here?” Zack finally asked.

  “Yes, Zack,” he replied cheerfully and offered a pleasant smile. “You’re here.”

  Zack groaned and allowed his shoulders to sag for the first time possibly in his life then scratched his head. “I’m feeling a little confused now.”

  “It’s understandable,” Dr. Sherman replied. “I’m going to give you some pills which should take the edge off. Take it easy a few days, and you should be back to normal.” He hesitated. “Well, back to your usual self.” He routed through his cupboard and removed two bottles of pills then carefully marked each with his pen. “These are samples, so you won’t need to visit the pharmacy. I know the drill with you guys by now. I’ll leave the pills with Monroe. You’ll take the first bottle for seven days and then the second for an additional ten after that. The first bottle will make you a little groggy, but I advise you to take them. You’ll feel better while on the second bottle, but I want you to continue taking them until they’re gone.”

  Zack frowned and nodded. “Yeah, okay.”


  Monroe and Beck sat in the doctor’s moderately bland, empty waiting room. It was after hours, which was by design whenever they came to see Dr. Sherman. The guys attempted to keep their mission injuries beneath the radar of hospital doctors who would ask too many uncomfortable questions, particularly when it came to gunshot wounds. Monroe stared at the ceiling rather than his magazine and looked completely bored while Beck talked endlessly.

  “I’m not kidding,” Beck announced. “The guy’s like a stalker or something.” He indicated himself while raising his brows. “I can see it.” He threw his hands in the air. “So why can’t she?” He groaned with disgust. “She’s letting this guy get too close. Something bad is going to happen, yet she won’t listen to me when I try to warn her.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m acting like ‘the jealous boyfriend’ and ‘he’s harmless’.” Beck half turned in his chair to face Monroe. “Isn’t that what all women say before some crazed lunatic kills them?”

  “I don’t know, Beck,” Monroe groaned softly, tired of the conversation. “Why don’t you try chaining her in the basement or something? Maybe that’ll work.”

  Beck sharply glared at Monroe. “Now you’re just mocking me.”

  “Yes, I’m mocking you,” Monroe suddenly cried out and stared at him. “You’ve been ranting on and on about Pinto’s non-existent stalker.” He leaned closer to Beck and stared into his eyes. “She sings at a dive in the middle of nowhere. Where the hell would she even find a stalker? We’re talking backwoods country boys here. They don’t know how to stalk. They leer and drool.”

  Beck waved him off and straightened in his chair. “You’re absolutely no help.”

  “That’s because there’s nothing wrong,” Monroe demanded. “You’re making a spectacle of yourself.”

  “In front of you?” Beck demanded then laughed. “I’ve seen you do worse.”

  Monroe indicated the camera in the corner. “Maybe so but never on candid camera. You know Dr. Sherman keeps close security watch on his office.” He frowned. “He has too many clients like us.”

  Chapter Seven

  The little town in Colorado was three hours north of nowhere and two hours south of far from nowhere. Far from nowhere was where the team owned an old lodge, which they considered their home base. Beck and Bogart were the only ones who actually lived at the lodge full-time. The remote town just two hours south of the lodge was where Beck’s girlfriend, Pinto Romano, spent her weekends while she sang at the country lounge. During the week, she would return to the lodge to be with Beck. The small town had a population of nearly five thousand, making it larger than most places in the middle of nowhere. It had its own nightclub with country music and line dancing, several restaurants, a movie theater, bowling alley, and at least four bars.

  Despite still being daylight outside, the lounge remained dimly lit with mood lighting on small, round tables. Larger tables and booths were off to the sides. A massive bar lined the back wall of the main room. A gorgeous woman in her mid-twenties with long, copper colored hair worn in a French twist stood on stage and sang for the nearly packed room of mostly men. Pinto Romano wore a form-fitting sequin dress that showed off her curves and a little more leg and cleavage than necessary, but it was what the crowd came to see. Beck sat at one of the small tables off to the side and watched his girlfriend as she sang. With the way he gazed at her and the smile etched on his face, he almost appeared to be under some magical spell.

  Once the song ended, there was a roar of applause from the crowd. Beck clapped and cheered for his girlfriend. Pinto took a bow then left the stage and joined Beck at his table where a glass of mint iced tea awaited her arrival. Beck sprang from his chair and greeted her with a loving kiss then held her in a warm embrace. She returned the hug with a pleased sigh. He pulled away, grinned boyishly, and pulled her chair out for her before returning to his seat. Being their table was in a darker corner, Beck’s hand immediately sought her leg beneath the long slit in her dress. She affectionately caressed his arm while his hand traveled her leg and met his loving gaze with her own.

  “I wasn’t sure you’d make it tonight,” she announced cheerfully. “When did you get back?”

  “I left Jackie’s place this afternoon after Zack’s appointment with Dr. Sherman,” he informed her. “I thought I’d catch your set and drive back to the lodge with you tonight.”

  She swept a lustful gaze over him and grinned her approval. “I’d like that.” Her look turned serious. “How is Zack?”

  “Delusional,” he replied. “Basically the same, in my opinion.”

  She frowned her disapproval. “You must have been worried, considering the entire team stayed at Jackie’s for two days to keep an eye on him.”

Not really,” Beck replied. “It usually takes six of us to get him into the doctor’s office.”

  “Stop pretending you weren’t worried,” Pinto remarked while casually leaning across the small table as she caressed his lower arm. “If you thought he was fine, you would have brought him back to the lodge rather than leave him with Monroe and Kirk at Jackie’s place.”

  Beck avoided looking at her and shrugged. She shook her head at his reluctance to acknowledge his concern for his teammate. A man in his late twenties approached their table and paused near Pinto. Beck saw the familiar man and immediately sank back in his chair while snorting a soft laugh, although it was obvious he wasn’t humored.

  “Hey, Pinto,” Will announced cheerfully. “Great set tonight.”

  Pinto glanced at the man alongside their table and shifted slightly, appearing uncomfortable. “Thanks, Will.”

  Will was a moderately attractive man although not nearly as lean and athletic as Beck was. He had light brown hair that fell to his brow, giving him the appearance of the lead singer in some boyband.

  “Mind if I join you?” he asked, almost completely ignoring Beck’s presence.

  Beck chuckled softly and shook his head while placing his hand over his eyes. He refrained from commenting at the boldness of his girlfriend’s stalker.

  Pinto shifted in her chair, looked at Will, and attempted a polite smile. “Beck just came back from his business trip,” she informed the younger man eager to join her. “I haven’t seen him in a week, so--”

  Will reluctantly took the hint and fidgeted slightly while backing up a step and finally casting a look at Beck. “Uh, yeah, sure. I understand. I’ll call you later.” He turned and walked away from their table.

  “He’s unbelievable,” Beck muttered and finally sat forward, glaring at Pinto. “Is he really that naïve? He honestly didn’t know I was gone an entire week?”

  “Please, Beck,” she announced with a dreary sigh. “Let’s not start this again. He’s just a friend, and he’s not a stalker.”

  “So he’s just naturally creepy,” Beck remarked, unable to control his sarcasm.

  “He’s never made one inappropriate remark or even asked me out,” she insisted. “Can we just drop it?”

  Beck shifted and attempted to control his emotions. He forced a smile and nodded. “Yeah, I don’t want to discuss Will tonight. We have better things to talk about.”

  She grinned slyly and nodded. “Absolutely.”

  His hand again returned to her leg as he leaned across the table and kissed her warmly but passionately. Fifteen minutes later, the owner again introduced Pinto on stage for her last set. She kissed Beck quickly on the lips then hurried for the stage. As Pinto started her second to last song, Beck’s cell phone vibrated. He removed the phone from his pocket and saw the new test message from an unknown caller. Curious, he viewed the text message. It simply read, ‘Your girlfriend cheated on you while you were gone’. Beck stared at the message. His horror soon turned to hostility as he scanned the lounge. He saw Will at the bar laughing with one of his friends. Beck leaped up from his chair, crossed the crowded lounge, and approached Will. He grabbed Will by the arm and spun him to face him, showing him the text on his cell phone.

  “What the hell is this?” he demanded.

  Will eyed the message, appeared surprised, and then looked at Beck while shaking his head. “No idea.”

  “Bullshit! You sent this,” Beck shouted loud enough for half the lounge to hear him.

  “What?” Will gasped then chuckled softly. “You’re insane. Why the hell would I send you something like that?”

  “To put a wedge between Pinto and me,” Beck snarled with an icy glare. “I know she’d never do something like this, so that leaves you!”

  They received several looks, including a stray look from Pinto while she attempted to continue singing, although she was clearly distracted.

  Will again laughed and shook his head. “You’re delusional,” he remarked as his smile mocked him.

  Beck punched him in the abdomen, causing him to clutch himself and double over in agony. There were several gasps from within the lounge. Beck grabbed Will by the back of the neck and forced him to make eye contact. He pointed a warning finger in his face.

  “That was the warning shot across your bow,” Beck snarled. “Disrespect Pinto again and I won’t pull any punches.” He released Will and straightened.

  Will gasped while clutching his abdomen and seemed to overplay his injury while looking past Beck. Beck realized the singing had stopped. When he looked behind him, he saw Pinto standing only a few feet away with a horrified look on her face.

  “Beck,” she gasped in a scolding tone.

  “He sent me a text,” Beck informed her then extended his phone to her.

  Pinto eyed the text then looked at him with surprise. “And you actually believed this?

  “No, of course not,” Beck replied then indicated Will, who still milked the punch to his gut. “He sent it to piss me off, and it worked.”

  She returned his phone while shaking her head. “That’s not even his number.

  “I didn’t send it, Pinto. I swear,” Will proclaimed while still doubled over. “Your boyfriend’s had it out for me since the beginning.”

  Beck stared with surprise at the look on Pinto’s face and immediately read her expression. “You aren’t honestly going to believe him over me?”

  “I don’t know what to believe,” she launched back then placed her hand to her head. She finally looked at him. “I need to be alone. Please, just go home.”


  “I need some time to sort this out,” she reiterated. “Please, just go.”

  Beck frowned and nodded. “I’m sorry, babe,” he announced softly. “Call me when we can discuss this.” He left the lounge without further comment or incident despite the looks he received.

  Chapter Eight

  Three days later. It was early morning just before sunrise. Holden was spooned against Jackie from behind in their king-sized bed. He woke and nuzzled his wife. His eyes opened partway, allowing him to view her wildly mussed, dark hair. A sly smirk crossed his face and he allowed his hand to caress her bare leg beneath the sheets. She groaned softly, took his hand, and pulled it closer to her panties. Holden flipped Jackie onto her back, nearly causing her to gasp with surprise. She giggled softly as he partially moved on top of her and kissed her warmly and lovingly on the lips. As his hand traveled her thigh, there was a soft knock on their door. Holden broke off the kiss, groaned softly, and eyed her.

  “It’s like he knows,” Holden snarled softly. “He’s killing our sex life.”

  She sighed as Holden rolled off her and collapsed onto his back. He allowed his arm to cover his eyes. Jackie stared at the ceiling a moment and waited.

  “Jackie,” came Zack’s soft call through the door. “You’re out of bread and milk. Is it okay if I borrow your car?”

  “No, Zack,” she called back. “You may not borrow my car. You can’t see straight.” She then considered the comment. “And there’s plenty of bread and milk.”

  “Um, no, I beg to differ,” Zack responded through the door.

  “I just--” she began then groaned. “Kirk.”

  “When are they going home?” Holden demanded.


  Later that morning, Jackie entered the kitchen and found Monroe preparing a crockpot dinner for that evening. It wasn’t as if she was surprised to find him cooking. Monroe was domesticated and had exceedingly high standards on many things from his wardrobe to the meals he ate. She felt that sometimes he was more of a woman than she was. The thought made her laugh a little. She glanced around the kitchen.

  “Where’s Zack?” she asked.

  “He went outside to get the morning paper,” Monroe replied. “Assuming he can find his way back inside.”

  “Is he still acting weird?”

  “He only killed one imaginary spider this morning,” Monroe
informed her. “Unfortunately, there’s a snake living in your guest toilet bowl.”

  “Not a real one, I hope,” she gasped.

  “Unless he flushed it, I didn’t see it,” Monroe replied.

  “I didn’t flush it,” Zack announced from behind them.

  Both suddenly turned and saw Zack standing in the kitchen doorway with an offended look on his face.

  “But I assure you, it was there,” he announced firmly then looked at Jackie. “Although there is the off chance I’m seeing things now. There’s a platoon of little women soldiers standing in your living room foyer. I’m not sure what they want, but I’m positive they’re up to no good.”

  Jackie attempted a smile, although it was tough keeping up with some of his hallucinations. “Zack, I assure you, there are no little soldiers in my living room.”

  “Fine,” he replied casually, “but I’d appreciate it if you asked them to leave all the same. I don’t like the way they’re staring at me.”

  Jackie groaned softly then attempted a polite smile. “Okay,” she replied. “Show them to me, and I’ll ask them to leave.”

  Zack left the kitchen with Jackie following. Once they entered the foyer, Jackie suddenly stopped and stared at five Girl Scouts in their green uniforms with their green berets and badge sashes. Each girl had a rolling cart behind her with boxes of cookies for sale.

  “We’re selling cookies to support our troop,” one little girl announced.

  “Cookies,” Zack scoffed under his breath to Jackie while folding his arms across his chest. “That’s how they always sucker you in.”

  “Zack,” she scolded. “They’re Girl Scouts. You’ve seen Girl Scouts before.”

  “Like Boy Scouts but without--”

  Jackie placed her hand over Zack’s mouth to silence him. “Behave in front of the kids.” She removed her hand from his mouth and smiled at the little girls. “I’m sure I could find use for a few boxes of cookies around here.”

  “It’s a trap, Jackie,” Zack muttered while eyeing the girls suspiciously.